« où es-tu quand j'ai mal ? si cette question a autant d'importance, c'est qu'elle traverse un jour ou l'autre chacune de nos vies. la souffrance, sous toutes ses formes, remet en cause la relation à soi-même, aux autres et à dieu, et ce cri nous a semblé une bonne expression du tremblement de terre qui parfois nous ébranle. cette question traverse depuis longtemps notre réflexion commune. nous nous la sommes posée sur nos lieux de travail. nous l'avons partagée avec des pèlerins à lourdes, souffrants ou proches d'un souffrant. dans toutes ces rencontres, cette question où es-tu quand j'ai mal ?" revenait, se précisait. aussi bien ce livre n'est-il pas un livre d'experts mais de témoins, et nous le voulons tel. au travers de ce que nous avons écouté, touché et vu, nous voudrions proposer un chemin à parcourir et donner des mots pour dire cette expérience de la souffrance, une expérience qui reste impossible à saisir pleinement mais que, peut-être, ces mots pourront aider à traverser. nous dédions ces pages à celles et ceux qui les liront et à celles et ceux grâce à qui elles furent écrites, même s'ils l'ignorent, en particulier les personnes fréquentant les services où nous travaillons et les pèlerins de lourdes, mais plus largement à toutes celles et ceux qui, un jour, ont crié à dieu ou à l'un des leurs : "où étais-tu quand j'avais mal ?" »
"where are you when i'm in pain?" this question is such an important one because one day in all of our lives, we will ask it. pain, in all its forms, questions our relation with ourselves, with others and with god. this cry from the heart seems to sum up the ordeal we are going through. it has been an essential part of our collective reflection for many years. we ask it in the workplace, with the pilgrims on their way to lourdes, who know suffering intimately or who accompany a loved one. in all our meetings, we hear the same question, "where are you when i am suffering?" that's why this book isn't made up of experts' opinions, but of testimonies. and that is exactly what we intended. calling on what we have heard, touched and seen, we have strived to offer a plausible path forward, and the words to express the experience of suffering - although it remains impossible to grasp fully. our hope is that these pages will help readers to endure. we dedicate this book to all the men and women who read it and to those who helped us write it, even if they aren't aware of the fact, especially those who come to our services and the pilgrims in lourdes, but more widely, to all those who, one day, cried out to god or to a loved one, "where were you when i was suffering?""
"where are you when i'm in pain?" this question is such an important one because one day in all of our lives, we will ask it. pain, in all its forms, questions our relation with ourselves, with others and with god. this cry from the heart seems to sum up the ordeal we are going through. it has been an essential part of our collective reflection for many years. we ask it in the workplace, with the pilgrims on their way to lourdes, who know suffering intimately or who accompany a loved one. in all our meetings, we hear the same question, "where are you when i am suffering?" that's why this book isn't made up of experts' opinions, but of testimonies. and that is exactly what we intended. calling on what we have heard, touched and seen, we have strived to offer a plausible path forward, and the words to express the experience of suffering - although it remains impossible to grasp fully. our hope is that these pages will help readers to endure. we dedicate this book to all the men and women who read it and to those who helped us write it, even if they aren't aware of the fact, especially those who come to our services and the pilgrims in lourdes, but more widely, to all those who, one day, cried out to god or to a loved one, "where were you when i was suffering?""
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