La bible a influencé profondément et continue à marquer la culture et les mentalités occidentales. nombre d'oeuvres d'art, peinture, sculpture, littérature, musique, théâtre et cinéma y puisent des thèmes d'inspiration, en prolongent les questions et mobilisent tout un imaginaire issu de ses pages. en un temps où la mémoire culturelle vacille et tend à se brouiller, il vaut la peine de reprendre pied dans ce texte, au-delà même des frontières de la lecture exégétique et croyante. beaucoup aujourd'hui en sont convaincus, mais ils sont souvent déconcertés par un livre foisonnant et qui nous rejoint à plus de vingt siècles de distance. (à dire vrai, l'objection de naïveté que l'on adresse parfois à ces textes n'est en fait que l'envers de la naïveté de lecteurs qui ne savent plus les lire ni les relier à la grande cohérence d'un texte longuement et minutieusement élaboré). afin d'éclairer pour les lecteurs la découverte de la bible, l'auteur propose un choix de textes commentés. ces extraits constituent des références majeures, issues de l'ancien et du nouveau testament. ils sont relus ici d'une manière attentive aux exigences critiques de notre modernité et assortis de prolongements littéraires et iconographiques. à tous ceux qui sont curieux de l'héritage de la bible, ce livre donnera des clés permettant de découvrir l'exceptionnelle fécondité de ce texte fondateur.
the bible has deeply influenced western cultures and mentalities, and continues to do so. how many works of art - paintings, sculptures, literature, music, plays and films - have drawn their inspiration from its pages, investigating the issues it raises and building an imaginary world from its pages? at a time when our cultural memory is waning and becoming blurry, it's well worth going back to find firm footing in these texts, beyond the frontiers of exegetics and faith. many people day are convinced of this fact, but put off by the sheer mass of its contents and the twenty centuries that distance the bible from our times. (in reality, the claim that biblical texts are naïve only reveals the naivety of those readers who no longer know how to read its contents or to connect them to the broader meaning of a long and meticulously elaborated narrative). in order to enlighten and facilitate the discovery of the bible, the author offers a selection of texts with commentary. these excerpts are major references, from both the old and new testaments. they are read anew here, according full attention to the critical demands of modern times and completed with literary and iconographic developments. for all those who are keen to discover the heritage of the bible, this book provides the keys to the exceptional fecundity of its founding texts.
the bible has deeply influenced western cultures and mentalities, and continues to do so. how many works of art - paintings, sculptures, literature, music, plays and films - have drawn their inspiration from its pages, investigating the issues it raises and building an imaginary world from its pages? at a time when our cultural memory is waning and becoming blurry, it's well worth going back to find firm footing in these texts, beyond the frontiers of exegetics and faith. many people day are convinced of this fact, but put off by the sheer mass of its contents and the twenty centuries that distance the bible from our times. (in reality, the claim that biblical texts are naïve only reveals the naivety of those readers who no longer know how to read its contents or to connect them to the broader meaning of a long and meticulously elaborated narrative). in order to enlighten and facilitate the discovery of the bible, the author offers a selection of texts with commentary. these excerpts are major references, from both the old and new testaments. they are read anew here, according full attention to the critical demands of modern times and completed with literary and iconographic developments. for all those who are keen to discover the heritage of the bible, this book provides the keys to the exceptional fecundity of its founding texts.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
Instruments bibliques
Date de parution
18 mm x 210 mm x 150 mm
Nombre de pages
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