Dans l'ensemble de son déroulement comme dans ses textes et ses rites, la liturgie est porteuse de sens elle véhicule une intelligence de l'existence humaine, de la foi, de dieu lui-même. aussi cela vaut-il la peine - c'est le second sens du livre - d'y appliquer son intelligence, pour en pénétrer toute la valeur. ici pourtant surgit le paradoxe. « on ne saisit pas ce qui vous saisit », dit le poète. une célébration ne se donne, pas à comprendre par la seule raison. action symbolique et rituelle, elle s'adresse à l'être en sa totalité, corps et esprit, et le prend par ses chants comme par la rencontre d'autrui, par la parole de dieu qui y retentit, comme par les lumières illuminant la nuit. quand on se laisse saisir par elle, elle déploie tous ses trésors, et l'on est stupéfait de constater les richesses qu'elle recèle. sur un ton personnel, l'auteur indique comment entrer dans la liturgie, comment l'entendre et la goûter, dès qu'on la considère comme une action commune qui ne peut faire l'économie ni du corps ni des sens. sa portée théologique est également plus forte qu'on ne le soupçonne souvent. la liturgie fait entrer ceux qui y participent dans une perception de l'espace et du temps. elle leur communique, de manière vivante, un sens de la culture et de l'église. elle les met en travail par ses mots et par sa musique, comme par les déplacements auxquels elle les entraîne.
in its practice, its texts and its rites, liturgy is full of meaning. it expresses an intelligence of human existence, faith, and even god. so it is well worth the effort - and this is the second implication of the title - of applying one's intelligence in order to extract all its merit. yet herein lies the paradox - ‘you cannot seize that which seizes you,' as the poet says. the aim of a celebration is not to be understood by reason alone. both symbol and ritual, liturgy addresses the being in his/her entirety, body and mind, and captivates through its music, through the encounter with others and the word of god, which radiates like stars illuminating the night sky. and when we allow ourselves to be captivated, it reveals all its treasures, astounding us with the riches concealed within. in a relaxed, confidential tone, the author tells us how to penetrate liturgy, how to hear and appreciate it when we regard it as a collective act that requires the involvement of both body or senses. its theological scope is also greater than we suspect liturgy bestows on those who participate in it in a perception of space and time. in a living act, it passes on to them a sense of culture and the church, animating with its words and music and the gestures it requires.
in its practice, its texts and its rites, liturgy is full of meaning. it expresses an intelligence of human existence, faith, and even god. so it is well worth the effort - and this is the second implication of the title - of applying one's intelligence in order to extract all its merit. yet herein lies the paradox - ‘you cannot seize that which seizes you,' as the poet says. the aim of a celebration is not to be understood by reason alone. both symbol and ritual, liturgy addresses the being in his/her entirety, body and mind, and captivates through its music, through the encounter with others and the word of god, which radiates like stars illuminating the night sky. and when we allow ourselves to be captivated, it reveals all its treasures, astounding us with the riches concealed within. in a relaxed, confidential tone, the author tells us how to penetrate liturgy, how to hear and appreciate it when we regard it as a collective act that requires the involvement of both body or senses. its theological scope is also greater than we suspect liturgy bestows on those who participate in it in a perception of space and time. in a living act, it passes on to them a sense of culture and the church, animating with its words and music and the gestures it requires.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
Date de parution
16 mm x 214 mm x 135 mm
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