En ces temps où la transparence est élevée à hauteur d'absolu, les larmes viennent troubler le regard, mettre du flou et de la profondeur. insaisissables, feu et eau, elles débordent et déroutent. elles ne cessent de déployer leur oeuvre de brouillage, de troubler le contour des phénomènes, de faire douter de la limite entre le dedans et le dehors. qui s'y arrête s'attarde finalement à sa propre finitude et l'interroge, intrigué d'être à soi-même une énigme. que peut-on percevoir à travers elles qui ne se verrait pas sans elles ? de quoi lavent-elles nos yeux ? de quoi nous délivrent-elles ? qu'ont-elles à dire de l'homme ? les larmes s'échappent dès lors que l'on tente de les systématiser, de les ordonner, de les contraindre. elles ont un pouvoir subversif incontestable — et les mystiques l'avaient compris, d'où leur tentation toujours présente de les contrôler, de les expliquer, de les assécher. quand il est partagé, l'instant des larmes suspend le temps, il devient présence. la suspension des larmes est aussi la manifestation de la déchirure et la possibilité de l'habiter. ce texte n'est pas un traité, mais plutôt une sorte de vagabondage qui voudrait encourager les personnes qui pleurent et qui en ont honte, ou encore celles qui s'interrogent sur ce qui leur arrive quand elles sont saisies par leurs larmes. cette méditation reste ouverte, inachevée. les larmes ont une lumière d'infini, elles indiquent un ailleurs. elles se perdent et emmènent avec elles leur mystère. en exprimant l'inexprimable, en disant l'insupportable, elles aident à le vivre. elles portent l'impossible jusque dans la joie, quand la grandeur de l'homme, découverte au creux de sa misère, pourrait le faire vaciller. elles touchent à la transcendance, et ce n'est pas le moindre de leur mystère.
a reflection on tears, drawing from the bible, philosophy, literature and the experience of prison, where the author works as a doctor. in our times, when ‘transparency' is hailed as a quasi-absolute, tears trouble our vision by clouding what we see and adding depth. elusive like water and fire, they overflow and overcome. constantly deploying their power of interference, they soften the contours of phenomena and blur the borderline between inside and out. whoever reflects on tears must ponder on his own finitude, intrigued to be a mystery to himself. what can we perceive through tears that we would not see without them? what do they wash away from our eyes? what do they deliver us from? what do they say to man? tears escape us if we try to systemize them, categorize them, constrain them. they have an incontestable power of subversion - the mystics understood this - hence the ever-present temptation to control, explain, and dry our tears. when it is shared, the moment of tears suspends time and becomes a presence. suspended tears are both the manifestation of pain and the possibility to endure it. this text is not a treatise, rather a sort of vagabondage in an attempt to encourage and assist those people who weep and are ashamed of their tears, wondering what is happening to them when they are overcome. this meditation remains open, unfinished. tears hold infinite light, they tell of another place. they disappear and take their mystery with them. by expressing the inexpressible, by telling the unendurable, they help us endure. they bear the impossible even unto joy, when man's dignity, found even in the depths of his despair, might make him vacillate.
a reflection on tears, drawing from the bible, philosophy, literature and the experience of prison, where the author works as a doctor. in our times, when ‘transparency' is hailed as a quasi-absolute, tears trouble our vision by clouding what we see and adding depth. elusive like water and fire, they overflow and overcome. constantly deploying their power of interference, they soften the contours of phenomena and blur the borderline between inside and out. whoever reflects on tears must ponder on his own finitude, intrigued to be a mystery to himself. what can we perceive through tears that we would not see without them? what do they wash away from our eyes? what do they deliver us from? what do they say to man? tears escape us if we try to systemize them, categorize them, constrain them. they have an incontestable power of subversion - the mystics understood this - hence the ever-present temptation to control, explain, and dry our tears. when it is shared, the moment of tears suspends time and becomes a presence. suspended tears are both the manifestation of pain and the possibility to endure it. this text is not a treatise, rather a sort of vagabondage in an attempt to encourage and assist those people who weep and are ashamed of their tears, wondering what is happening to them when they are overcome. this meditation remains open, unfinished. tears hold infinite light, they tell of another place. they disappear and take their mystery with them. by expressing the inexpressible, by telling the unendurable, they help us endure. they bear the impossible even unto joy, when man's dignity, found even in the depths of his despair, might make him vacillate.
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9 mm x 195 mm x 130 mm
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