• William the CONQUEROR - FETTU Annie - OREP

William the conqueror

Fettu annie
This book tells the story of an outstanding man, intelligent and determined, who conceived and carried out the most formidable military expedition of his time. born out of wedlock, in falaise, duke of normandy, then king of england, to which he gave stable institutions, whilst to normandy he brought economic expansion and unprecedented intellectual excellence. this work portrays him, through the epic story of his life and puts him once again among the great characters of history.
Arrêt de commercialisation
EAN 9782912925220
Éditeur OREP
Date de parution 01/09/2004
Format 0 x 240 mm x 170 mm
Où nous trouver ?
44 rue Saint Jean
14000 Caen
Horaires d'ouverture

Du Mardi au Samedi de 10h00 à 12h30 et de 14h00 à 19h00.

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